Organizing Your Data with Category Imports

Organizing your financial data is essential for accurate reporting and smooth functionality. Ever Accounting simplifies this process with its Import Categories feature, allowing you to upload category data in bulk. This guide walks you through the steps to use this feature effectively.

What is the Import Categories Feature?

The Import Categories tool lets you upload multiple categories at once using a CSV file. This feature is ideal for quickly and accurately setting up financial classifications.

Step-by-Step Guide to Import Categories

  • Navigate to the Tools Menu: From your WordPress Dashboard, go to Accounting > Tools. Here, you’ll find options for Import and Export.
  • Select The Import Tab: Click on the Import tab. Scroll down to the Import Categories section.
Import categories in WP Ever Accounting
  • Download the Sample CSV File: A sample CSV file guides you through the required fields. Click the link under the Import Categories section to download the file.
  • Prepare the CSV File: Open the downloaded file and fill in the required and optional fields:
    • Name: The category’s name.
    • Description: A brief description of the category (optional).
    • Type: Classification of the category (e.g., “Expense,” “Payment”).
    • Taxonomy: The taxonomy associated with the category (e.g., “General”).
  • Upload Your CSV File: Return to the Import Categories section. Select the file from your device and click Upload. The system will process your data and add the categories to your database.

Fields for Importing Categories

The CSV file for importing categories contains the following fields:

Name*The classification of the categorySales
DescriptionA brief description of the category (optional).Monthly sales data
Type*The classification of the categoryExpense
Taxonomy*The taxonomy associated with the categoryGeneral
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

The system will skip importing that category if any of these fields are missing or incorrectly formatted.

csv categories

Download the Sample CSV File

To simplify the process, download the sample CSV file and use it as a template for your data.

Click here to download the sample CSV file for importing categories.

FAQs About Import Categories in Ever Accounting

Yes, optional fields like Description can be left blank, but mandatory fields like Name, Type, and Taxonomy must be completed.

No, WP Ever Accounting supports bulk uploads with no limit on entries.

The system will notify you of any errors during the import process. Correct the issues and re-upload the file.

No, the import feature is only for adding new categories. Existing categories must be updated manually.

No, the import feature is only for adding new categories. Existing categories must be updated manually.

Only CSV files are supported.

Once the process is complete, review the imported categories in your WP Ever Accounting > Settings > Categories List.