
  • How to Customize Invoice Template

    The default generated invoice using WP Ever Accounting- Now, if you have an intention to make some changes in your invoice template, you can do it simply by going through this article. Suppose, you want to move the customer info section to the left and move the company info to the right. To do that, …

  • Why is it important to bring up precision for currencies?

    Suppose you want to convert a particular amount from BDT (Bangladeshi Currency) to USD (US Currency). The precision for both currencies is set to 2. The amount you want to convert from BDT to USD is 123.65. The USD amount will be 1.4588845175418 US Dollars. Since the precision is set to 2, the USD amount …

  • Add Bills

    Bills help you to keep legal records of your expenses by tracking the number of goods purchased, purchasing date, how much money was spent on the products. Bills can include both taxes and discounts when necessary. WP Ever Accounting gives you the opportunity to add bills so that you can keep track of your expenses …

  • Add Invoices

    Invoices help you to keep legal records of your sales by tracking the number of goods sold, date of sales, how much money was paid. Invoices include both taxes and discounts when necessary. WP Ever Accounting gives you the opportunity to add invoices so that you can keep track of your sales more effectively. How …

  • Add items

    An item is especially a product that can be sold or can be bought. Using WP Ever Accounting plugin, you can categorically add as many items as you want by introducing both sale price and purchase price and can also include items in the invoice and bills. How to add Items To add an item, …

  • Install WP Ever Accounting

    WordPress gives you multiple ways to install plugins. We will show you the most common ways to install WP Ever accounting. Install by Search From the WordPress Dashboard, you can easily look for the plugin and can install it in just a few clicks. To do that, go to the Dashboard and click on the …

  • Why do we need to set default currency to 1?

    Answer: Default currency in WP Ever Accounting acts as a standard to all other currencies. All currencies are converted in terms of default currency. Since all other currencies are dependant on default currency, you need to set default currency to 1. From the previous example, you have seen that the default USD currency rate is …

  • What is the currency rate?

    Answer: The currency rate is the value of a currency in terms of another currency. Suppose, you have three accounts A, B, and C for your company, and each account has currencies USD, Euro, CAD respectively. Now, if you set USD as a default currency, the other two currencies should be converted in terms of …

  • What is the default currency?

    Answer: Default currency is the currency of your company. You might use multiple accounts and currencies that may vary from each other in WP Ever Accounting plugin. The incomes, expenses, and profits from different accounts with different currencies are ultimately converted to the pre-selected default currencies. Add Currencies Import Currencies

  • What is the default account?

    Answer: Default Account can be recognized as the main account or the company account. You can also have multiple accounts and each account can have different currencies for the transaction.

  • How to start with WP Ever Accounting?

    Answer: To start with WP Ever Accounting, after installing; set your company details from the quick setup wizard. If you want to change the company setting, you can change it from the setting tab. From the default setting, you can set your default account and default currency. Keep in mind that, before setting up a …

  • Income Summary Report

    WP Ever Accounting brings up Reports to show financial activities in a structured manner. Indeed, it gives you all the financial information you need so that you can visualize your business in detail and can keep track of your financial state. The Reports page summarizes incomes, expenses, and profits separately so that you can get …

  • Expense Summary Report

    The expense section in WP Ever Accounting shows graphs which are effective for displaying and summarizing expense data. Below the graph, each section yields categorical reports on a monthly basis. Expense Summary Filter Like income summary, you can filter out your reports for the expense as well. The filter will be effective for both line …

  • Income vs. Expense Summary

    In WP Ever Accounting, Income vs. Expense section or Profit Summary section shows profit line graphs and creates reports on profits categorically on a monthly basis. Profit Summary Report Like Income and Expense summary sections, you can also filter out your reports for the Profit Summary section. The filter will be effective for both line …

  • Quick Setup Wizard

    When you are done installing and activating WP Ever accounting, you will be taken to a quick setup wizard. By clicking on “Let’s Go“, you can configure the basic settings of your business. Company Quick Setup Wizard On the next step, you will see is a page to set up your company. You will set …

  • Import Currencies

    From the dashboard in WP Ever Accounting under ‘Accounting‘, go to the ‘Tools’ menu. There, you will find both the import and export options. Click on the “Import” tab and there you will find a field to import currencies. A sample file formatted in CSV is given so that you can download the file and …

  • Overview

    WP Ever Accounting comes up with several features to facilitate and to get an overview of your regular affairs. It is entirely an alluring package to deal with your business sphere. But one thing we have to know before knowing the features – WP Ever Accounting plugin takes care of its calculation on an accrual …

  • Add Transfers

    WP Ever Accounting gives you an option to transfer money from one account to another. Even though the currencies can be different, WP Ever Accounting takes care of the conversions of the currencies. Provided that, the conversion of the currencies is completely dependent on the currency rates. Moreover, WP Ever Accounting helps you to keep …

  • Import Data Effectively

    WP Ever Accounting gives you an opportunity to import accounting entities such as customers, vendors, accounts, and more in CSV format. To import these components,  go to the ‘Tools’ menu. There, you will find both the importing options. Import Data – Components The following components you can import from the ‘Tools’– Customers Vendors Accounts Revenues …

  • Transaction history

    By definition Transaction is an exchange or transfer of goods or services. When revenue or expenses are realized or incurred, Accrual accounting records transactions. It happens only when a business spends or receives money. To locate Transaction history in WP Ever Accounting, from the dashboard under Accounting, you will find the Transactions menu. By clicking …