How to Import Payments in WP Ever Accounting

Managing payment data is now effortless with WP Ever Accounting’s Import Payments feature. This tool allows you to upload payment details in bulk using a CSV file, saving time and ensuring accuracy. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started.

What is the Import Payments Feature?

The Import Payments feature enables businesses to process payments efficiently by uploading bulk payment data into the system. A preformatted CSV file allows you to input all necessary details, such as payment numbers, amounts, and dates.

Step-by-Step Guide to Import Payments

  • Access the Tools Menu: Go to Accounting > Tools from your WordPress Dashboard. Here, you’ll find options for Import and Export.
  • Select the Import Tab: Click on the Import tab. Scroll down to the Import Payments section.
import payments in wp ever accounting - import payment tab
  • Download the Sample CSV File: Under the Import Payments section, click the link to download the sample CSV file.
  • Prepare the CSV File: Open the sample file in Excel, Google Sheets, or similar software. Fill in the required and optional fields for each payment:
Payment NumberA unique identifier for each paymentPAY-0001
Payment Date*The date of payment (format: YYYY-MM-DD)2024-12-22
AmountTotal payment amount200.00
CurrencyA three-letter currency codeUSD
Exchange RateThe customer’s ID is associated with the payment1.10
ReferenceAny applicable reference numberREF2024
NoteAdditional notes or remarksFinal Payment
Payment MethodThe method used for paymentBank Transfer
Account ID*The ID of the account for the payment105
Contact IDThe customer’s ID is associated with the payment201
Category IDThe category to which the payment belongs.10
Attachment IDFile attachment (e.g., JPG, PNG).receipt2024.png
EditableIndicates whether the details are modifiable.Yes
import payment data 1
  • Save the completed file in .csv format.
  • Upload the CSV File: Return to the Import Payments section. Click Choose File and select your prepared CSV file.
  • Start the Import Process: Click the Import button to process the file. The system will add the payment entries to your database.
  • Review the Import Results: After the import is complete, review the summary of imported payments. Any errors or skipped entries will be highlighted for correction.
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. The system will skip the corresponding payment entry if these fields are missing.

Download the Sample CSV File

To simplify the process, download the sample CSV file and use it as a template for your data.

Click here to download the sample CSV file for importing payments.

FAQs About Import Payments in WP Ever Accounting

Yes, but mandatory fields like Payment Date and Account ID must be completed.

No, WP Ever Accounting supports bulk uploads without a limit.

The system will skip invalid entries and notify you of errors. Correct the issues and re-upload the file.

No, this feature is for adding new payments. Existing payments must be updated manually.

Only .csv files are supported.

After the process, review the summary and check your payment list in Sales>Payments List.

Certain fields must be pre-configured in the database before importing to ensure a successful import process. For instance, if you attempt to import a payment entry with a currency that has not been created or is missing from the database, that payment entry will be skipped. Therefore, make sure that categories, currencies, and accounts are properly set up in the database beforehand.